Our qualified technicians performed a heat pump install in San Bernardino, California. The customer wished to upgrade their HVAC system and turned to the best HVAC contractor in the area — Fuse Service.
How Do You Complete a Heat Pump Install?
First, our technicians dismounted, hauled away and recycled the old system. Then they installed a new system according to the building standards. In total we served:
PUZ-A36NKA7 Mitsubishi 36,000 BTU Heat Pump Air Conditioner P-Series Condenser;
PVA-A36AA7 Mitsubishi 36,000 BTU Multi Position Air Conditioner Air Handler;
Attic Package for Heat Pump Installation - SAP4;
Qualified EPA certified specialists provided this heat pump install, besides, Fuse provides a 3 years warranty for HVAC-installation labor.